pre wedding photography in Liverpoolpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirralpre wedding photography Wirral


On the same day late afternoon, I went over to Wallasey to meet the lovely Rachael and Iain and their gorgeous little boy. It was a little windy but I think we were still able to get some lovely shots of their family down on the shores of Egremont looking across to the Liverpool skyline.
The colours are always lovely down by the coast, and the afternoon light was just so soft.

Having lived in Wallasey some time ago and often photographed in this area I always felt that there was a lovely quality of light there, apparently Turner painted some of his famous sky’s here.

Rachael and Iains wedding carries on the water theme as it will take place at Malmaison in Liverpool. So Im hoping to take them for a small walk to get some more gorgeous shots of them by the water.
Once again I hope having the pre wedding shoot has helped to iron out any worries about being photographed. I think you all look amazing!! hope you like the shots.

Sam xx